Firm Foundation In Christ Ministries Communication and Development Internship

Stephanie Roberts came in as a transfer student in 2020, as a result of her previous school Concordia University, unexpectedly permanently closing. She graduated with an English degree in the spring of 2022 from Warner Pacific. She later got accepted as a Communications intern in Multnomah County’s Department of Community Justice, as part of Multnomah County’s College to County Summer internship program. Not long after that, she landed a job as an office assistant in one of Multnomah County’s dental clinics. Not being a great work environment for her, she decided to resign and look for another job. 她去了. 伊莉斯伯克, career advisor of Warner Pacific University, explaining her story and the circumstances she was currently in. Ms. 伊莉斯 encouraged Stephanie with many resources and tips and tricks, of how to start the job search once again. After no luck, Ms. 伊莉斯 told Stephanie about the job fair Warner Pacific University was hosting in April of 2024. There was still no luck. Fast forward, by June of 2024, Ms. 伊莉斯 emailed Stephanie about an internship opportunity with a non-profit Christian organization called Firm Foundation In Christ Ministries. Stephanie got the 2-month internship position, and by the end of her time there, they have actually extended the internship, so that they can work on hopefully creating a permanent position for her to stay with them.

I am so grateful for Ms. 伊莉斯. I just told my mom one day, after not being satisfied with my office job, that I wanted to go to Warner Pacific University, and talk to the career advisor for help. I am so glad that God led me to Ms. 伊莉斯. She has been an enormous help in teaching me about the job search, and about today’s job market world. I am also so glad that Ms. 伊莉斯 thought of me when Firm Foundation In Christ Ministries reached out to her looking for an intern. It was all meant to be, and everything is working out well for me professionally. I feel relieved and blessed. I would deeply encourage students to go to the career center at Warner Pacific University to see what opportunities are out there for them.

Jose Ochoa-Delgado came in as a transfer student in 2021 mainly to continue playing soccer. He also got financial aid to help him pursue a 4 year degree although when he transferred he did not know what he wanted to study. He enrolled as a business admin major and had a great accounting Professor and during that class changed to accounting as his major, as he I really took to it.

In 2022, I was encouraged by my Professors to attend a career fair held by the Oregon Society of CPA’s and I got to meet local firms in Portland. I connected with a firm which allowed me my first internship as an auditor in the summer. I created a great bond with the staff and as a result they hired me again to do a tax internship in 2024.

I graduated in the Spring in 2024 with my B.S. 在会计. The company offered me a full-time job as a tax associate when I graduate! I am most thankful for taking on the challenge of going into an internship job that was more challenging then just working at a mall or retail over the summer. It made me realize how possible it is to live your dreams with the support and backing of your Professors and the administrative staff at WPU.

I am super excited to start my new journey and highly recommend WPU to both transfer and first time students.